Posts in 2023
  • November 2023 Release Notes

    Wednesday, November 01, 2023 in Control Plane Release Notes

    Statistics Improvements Long Term Statistics Starting with this release the Overview graphs for nodes running the July 2023 release or newer will display 1 week and 1 month statistic views. Previously only 24 hours was visible in the portal. This …

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  • August 2023 Release Notes

    Friday, August 18, 2023 in Control Plane Release Notes

    Cluster Site Health Improvements Since introducing our cluster site health state feature there have been several instances where the state was being reported incorrectly. This release has taken steps to prevent that and has also introduced a new tool …

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  • July 2023 Release Notes

    Wednesday, July 26, 2023 in Control Plane Release Notes

    Network Interface Panel Changes Interface Details Copy All Button Frequently Trustgrid users need to share the interface configuration information with people who do not have access to the Trustgrid portal. There is now a Copy All button that will …

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  • May 2023 Second Release Notes

    Wednesday, May 24, 2023 in Control Plane Release Notes

    This minor release fixes the following issues: Issues Fixed The Overview graphs on a Node Detail page showing “invalid date” when you hover over a VPN data point. The Flow Logs Advanced Search did not display the correct flows when the …

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  • May 2023 Release Notes

    Friday, May 05, 2023 in Control Plane Release Notes

    Accessibility Improvements Prior to this release we used only the color red to indicate if the control or data plane was disconnected. We now use different icons to indicate there is an issue with connectivity. Control Plane Disconnected Control …

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  • April 2023 Second Release Notes

    Wednesday, April 12, 2023 in Control Plane Release Notes

    Issues Fixed This minor release fixes the following issues: Network Maps displayed peer nodes as disconnected New Orders could not be created if left open too long before the first save

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  • April 2023 Release Notes

    Tuesday, April 04, 2023 in Control Plane Release Notes

    Documentation Trustgrid is moving away from our documentation previously hosted on Confluence to docs-as-code system at This should enable us to more tightly integrate the portal UI with related documentation. As a start, …

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Posts in 2022