
The infovisor displays details about the Trustgrid node

The infovisor displays details about the Trustgrid node and can be displayed by clicking the Info button in the top right or hitting the backtick ` key.

Button to open Infovisor

It displays the following information in a card layout:

Example infovisor

It contains the below information but can vary between appliance and agent-based nodes. The table below lists the fields and if they are displayed depending on node type.

Control and Data Plane Status
Public IP - Source IP observed by the Trustgrid control plane
Package Version
Enabled / Disabled Status
Device TypeShow “Agent” as type
Operating System (OS) Version
TGRN or Trustgrid Resource Name
Upgrade Status
  • AWS metadata (AWS Nodes only)
    • Availability Zone
    • Instance ID
    • Instance type