
Configure connectors to listen on ports and forward traffic to services running on remote nodes

Connectors are configured in conjunction with services to define a local listening port for layer 4 (L4) connectivity.


Connectors are configured under the Networking > Connectors tab of the node or cluster configuration section in the Trustgrid Portal.

Add Connector dialogue
Field NameDescription

The protocol that the listener for the connector will use. Options are TCP, UDP, FTP, and TFTP.

FTP must operate in passive mode when using L4 services and connectors.

Listen Interface

The interface that you want the connector to listen on.

  • All - listens on all interfaces ( This can be a security risk if any of the interfaces are connected to an untrusted network, like a public internet connection.
  • Interface # - This will only listen on the IP of the selected interface.
  • Bridge Interface - The bridge interface sits between the container and the host. This is useful if you want a container to be able to access a remote service via local port.
Listen PortThe port that you want the connector to listen on.
Remote NodeThe remote node or cluster that traffic will be proxied to.
Remote ServiceEither the friendly name of service that is defined on the remote node, or the IP:Port of the remote service to connect to.
Rate Limit (Mb/s)The maximum amount of throughput that will be allowed to traverse the tunnel when connecting to the connector. This can be used to prevent saturating the connection at either the local or remote sites.
Source Block(Optional, Appliances Only) This comma separated list of Network CIDRs will restict what IPs can connect to the connector.
Sniff Traffic

Listed only on the Connectors table, this will automatically launch a Sniff Traffic tool for the listening port.